Lower Yatta Cooperative
A co-operative has been formed in Lower Yatta which helps farmers located in that area sell their produce collectively. Farmers are linked to potential buyers and service providers who buy the produce at a higher price compared to the current price when farmers sell directly to the market or sell individually.
Read MoreWhat I Learned from ECHO!
Written by: Mary James, Land and Water Department 0n February 3rd- 5th I attended a very informative symposium known as the ECHO Conference with two colleagues at Arusha, Tanzania. There were so many presentations, and there are several which were useful to me. I don’t know about my colleagues but I believe they also enjoyed these presentations. One was about conservation agriculture, that euphorbia can be a good soil cover and that it can provide soil cover for a long time because it doesn’t decompose easily. This was so interesting because the presenter mentioned that the idea came from a...
Read MoreSASOL WUA’s Training Report (Jan. 21-23, 2015)
SASOL’s Land and Water Department staff members did a training needs assessment and follow-up training for the Ngunini borehole and Kwa Mboo earth dam, two of the Water User Association’s being trained through the Kenya Semi-Arid Livestock Enhancement Support project. The training was conducted on January 21- 23, 2015. Attached is the report written on the needs discovered and how the training addressed those needs. WUAs Training Report (Jan. 21-23,...
Read MoreTrainer’s Manual for Community Managed Water Supplies
In 2012, the UNICEF Kenya Country Office and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation Department published an in-depth Trainer’s Manual for Community Managed Water Supplies. Attached you will find the training manual. Community Managed Water Supplies Introduction: “Community managed water supply systems play a significant role in providing water services to the Kenyan public. However many community managed water supplies continue to under-perform and require support in terms of infrastructure improvement, strengthening of management and financial systems, operation...
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